This is an archived version of the 2011 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
11 to 13 May 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
Leisa Reichelt
Leisa Reichelt is a freelance design researcher & user experience designer who works with global brands, innovative startups and open source communities to help them deliver great online experiences for their customers and community members.

She hasn't yet managed to write a book but you may have seen her work on the D7UX project for Drupal, heard her musing on Ambient Intimacy or Agile UX, or seen her writing at or speaking at UX London, dConstruct, IDEA, UX Week, the IA Summit. Leisa coordinates the London UX Bookclub and is an active mentor for UX Practitioners in the UK.

Leisa Reichelt


Strategic User Experience: Beyond the Interface


Familiar with the expression 'lipstick on a pig'?

There comes a time in every UXer's career when they realise in order to really impact their Users' Experience they need to move beyond the interface and into the business.

For most of us, the prospect of taking a seat at the strategy table is an exciting yet terrifying prospect and requires a whole other set of skills, techniques and vocabulary.

What does it mean to get involved with Strategic User Experience?

Who is this workshop for?

UX practitioners with a few years experience under their belt who want to have more control over and input into the product or service they're working on.

What will you learn?
Thursday, 12 May @ 9:00-12:30
180 minutes + 30 minute break @ 10:30-11:00
Auditorium II

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Main Sponsors:
Novabase - Like Life - Online Hotel Reservations
Platinum Sponsors:
Microsoft Userzoom - Zooming in on the User Experience 23 Video

Gold Sponsors:
UX Pin - Paper Prototyping Redesigned Log - Open Source Consulting Tobii Technology Cacooo - Create Diagrams Online with Real Time Colaboration Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Partners:
ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion Corefactor Sensebloom

Silver Sponsors:
Moo O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Five Simple Steps Goplan Survs - Asking for you
HotGloo - The Online Wireframe App Loop11 - Online, Unmoderated User Testing invoic€xpress TrymyUI - Get the Users View OpenHallway - Simple Usability Testing Try - Consultoria e Pesquisas
Silver Partners:
Waterdog Mobile

Supporters: Axure - See it happen Balsamiq Studios Optimal Workshop - Make it Easy TAP Portugal Tryp Oriente AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Raio Filmes
Media Sponsors: Johnny Holland