This is an archived version of the 2011 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
11 to 13 May 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
Dan Brown
Dan Brown is founder and principal at EightShapes, LLC, a user experience consulting firm based in Washington, DC that has engaged with clients in telecommunications, media, education, health, high-tech, and other sectors. Dan has been practicing information architecture and user experience design since 1995.

Drawing on his expertise in communicating complex ideas and abstractions through high-quality visual documentation, Dan wrote a book on user experience deliverables – Communicating Design (New Riders, 2006). Amazon reviews call it "authoritative", "practical, personal, comprehensive" and "a cool nerdbook". He has written more than a dozen articles for Boxes and Arrows, an online journal dedicated to information architecture, on topics ranging from PowerPoint to the information architecture of home audio devices. You can follow Dan on Twitter @brownorama. (Follow @uxdeliverables for information about Communicating Design and the upcoming second edition.)

Dan Brown


Effective Design Documentation without a Fuss


The complexity of new design challenges demands better documentation faster. Designers can no longer hope to hand in a sheaf of wireframes and hope the project team can follow along. Instead, teams are more dependent on good deliverables and better pictures to communicate a complete story. And designers need to create documents faster, in part to accommodate rapidly changing methodologies. Finally, designers need to weigh the value of creating formal documentation against other methods of explaining design.

Regardless of your role in the design process–researcher, evaluator, designer, developer–creating and using documentation is essential. Design deliverables establish a plan for design activities, ensure that the team is aligned in their objectives, and set expectations for project stakeholders.

Though some interpretations of modern development methodologies suggest eschewing design documentation, a good framework for deliverables can adapt to a variety of circumstances. Design teams should not assume a one-size-fits all approach to their deliverables, but instead cultivate a toolkit that serves a range of design projects.

This workshop will teach participants understand what makes great design documentation, and how to get there faster. Using examples from EightShapes Unify – a free collections of deliverable templates - the workshop will dig into some of the techniques that can make deliverable preparation more efficient.

Who is this workshop for?

If you work on web projects and need to create, review, or approve design documentation, this workshop will help you develop a critical eye for deliverables.

What will you learn?

By the end of this workshop you will:

Thursday, 11 May @ 15:00-18:30
180 minutes + 30 minute break @ 16:30-17:00
Room 2

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Main Sponsors:
Novabase - Like Life - Online Hotel Reservations
Platinum Sponsors:
Microsoft Userzoom - Zooming in on the User Experience 23 Video

Gold Sponsors:
UX Pin - Paper Prototyping Redesigned Log - Open Source Consulting Tobii Technology Cacooo - Create Diagrams Online with Real Time Colaboration Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Partners:
ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion Corefactor Sensebloom

Silver Sponsors:
Moo O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Five Simple Steps Goplan Survs - Asking for you
HotGloo - The Online Wireframe App Loop11 - Online, Unmoderated User Testing invoic€xpress TrymyUI - Get the Users View OpenHallway - Simple Usability Testing Try - Consultoria e Pesquisas
Silver Partners:
Waterdog Mobile

Supporters: Axure - See it happen Balsamiq Studios Optimal Workshop - Make it Easy TAP Portugal Tryp Oriente AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Raio Filmes
Media Sponsors: Johnny Holland